利用率Utilization Ratio
- DeFi中借贷协议(Compound、AAVE)中:
- Utilization Ratio = 利用率
- 名词
- Utilization Ratio = 利用率 = Utilization Rate
- = Money Utilization Ratio = 资金利用率
- = 借贷率=Borrowing Rate
- = 需求率 = Demand Ratio
- 含义:借出的钱占借贷池里总额的比例
- 表示存款资金的使用情况
- Representing the utilization of the deposited funds
- 举例
- 最初借贷池子里有1000 USDC作为启动资金, 对应着 Cash = 1000, Borrows = 0 => Utilization = 0%;在之后的另外一个时刻,借出了500 USDC,池子里还剩500 USDC,对应着Cash = 500, Borrows = 500 => Utilization = 50%
- 公式
- Compound
- Utilization Ratio = Borrows / (Cash + Borrows)

- -》 借贷率越高,也就是需求越高

- 其中:
- L(t) = Total Liquidity = 总流动性
- B(t = )Total Borrows = B(s) + B(v) = Total Stable Borrows + Total Variable Borrows=总的稳定利率借款 + 总的可变利率借款
- 相关
- 最佳利用率=Target Utilization Rate = U(optimal):该模型所针对的利用率,超出可变利率后急剧上升
- The utilization rate targeted by the model, beyond the variable interest rate rises sharply