

# Config & Settings & Const

ArmSpecialRegNameList = [

class Operand:
  # Operand Type
  o_void     = 0        # No Operand                           ----------
  o_reg      = 1        # General Register (al,ax,es,ds...)    reg
  o_mem      = 2        # Direct Memory Reference  (DATA)      addr
  o_phrase   = 3        # Memory Ref [Base Reg + Index Reg]    phrase
  o_displ    = 4        # Memory Reg [Base Reg + Index Reg + Displacement] phrase+addr
  o_imm      = 5        # Immediate Value                      value
  o_far      = 6        # Immediate Far Address  (CODE)        addr
  o_near     = 7        # Immediate Near Address (CODE)        addr
  o_idpspec0 = 8        # Processor specific type
  o_idpspec1 = 9        # Processor specific type
  o_idpspec2 = 10       # Processor specific type
  o_idpspec3 = 11       # Processor specific type
  o_idpspec4 = 12       # Processor specific type
  o_idpspec5 = 13       # Processor specific type
                        # There can be more processor specific types

  # x86
  o_trreg  =       o_idpspec0      # trace register
  o_dbreg  =       o_idpspec1      # debug register
  o_crreg  =       o_idpspec2      # control register
  o_fpreg  =       o_idpspec3      # floating point register
  o_mmxreg  =      o_idpspec4      # mmx register
  o_xmmreg  =      o_idpspec5      # xmm register

  # arm
  o_reglist  =     o_idpspec1      # Register list (for LDM/STM)
  o_creglist  =    o_idpspec2      # Coprocessor register list (for CDP)
  o_creg  =        o_idpspec3      # Coprocessor register (for LDC/STC)
  o_fpreglist  =   o_idpspec4      # Floating point register list
  o_text  =        o_idpspec5      # Arbitrary text stored in the operand
  o_cond  =        o_idpspec5 + 1  # ARM condition as an operand

  # ppc
  o_spr  =         o_idpspec0      # Special purpose register
  o_twofpr  =      o_idpspec1      # Two FPRs
  o_shmbme  =      o_idpspec2      # SH & MB & ME
  o_crf  =         o_idpspec3      # crfield      x.reg
  o_crb  =         o_idpspec4      # crbit        x.reg
  o_dcr  =         o_idpspec5      # Device control register

  # addStr = "add"
  # addStr = "Add"
  offStr = "Off" # Offset=Index
  # valStr = "val"
  valStr = "Val"

  def __init__(self, operand, type, value):
    self.operand = operand
    self.type = type
    self.value = value

    # for o_displ / o_phrase
    self.baseReg = None
    self.indexReg = None
    # for o_displ
    self.displacement = None


  def _postInit(self):
    # print("_postInit")
    if self.isDispl():
      # o_displ    = 4        # Memory Reg [Base Reg + Index Reg + Displacement] phrase+addr
      # [SP,#arg_18]
      # [X20,#0x50]
      # print("self.operand=%s" % self.operand)
      # displMatch ="\[(?P<baseReg>\w+),(?P<displacement>#[\w\-\.]+)\]", self.operand)
      # [X9]
      displMatch ="\[(?P<baseReg>\w+)(,(?P<displacement>#[\w\-\.]+))?\]", self.operand)
      # print("displMatch=%s" % displMatch)
      if displMatch:
        self.baseReg ="baseReg")
        # print("self.baseReg=%s" % self.baseReg)
        self.displacement ="displacement")
        # print("self.displacement=%s" % self.displacement)
    elif self.isPhrase():
      # o_phrase   = 3        # Memory Ref [Base Reg + Index Reg]    phrase
      # [X19,X8]
      # print("self.operand=%s" % self.operand)
      phraseMatch ="\[(?P<baseReg>\w+),(?P<indexReg>\w+)\]", self.operand)
      # print("phraseMatch=%s" % phraseMatch)
      if phraseMatch:
        self.baseReg ="baseReg")
        # print("self.baseReg=%s" % self.baseReg)
        self.indexReg ="indexReg")
        # print("self.indexReg=%s" % self.indexReg)

  def __str__(self):
    valStr = ""
    if self.value <= 0:
      valStr = "%s" % self.value
      valStr = "0x%X" % self.value
    # curOpStr = "<Operand: op=%s,type=%d,val=%s>" % (self.operand, self.type, valStr)
    # curOpStr = "<Operand: op=%s,type=%d,val=%s, baseReg=%s,indexReg=%s,displ=%s>" % (self.operand, self.type, valStr, self.baseReg, self.indexReg, self.displacement)
    extraInfo = ""
    if self.isDispl():
      extraInfo = ",bsReg=%s,idxReg=%s,displ=%s" % (self.baseReg, self.indexReg, self.displacement)
    elif self.isPhrase():
      extraInfo = ",bsReg=%s,idxReg=%s" % (self.baseReg, self.indexReg)
    curOpStr = "<Operand: op=%s,type=%d,val=%s%s>" % (self.operand, self.type, valStr, extraInfo)
    # print("curOpStr=%s" % curOpStr)
    return curOpStr

  def listToStr(operandList):
    # operandStrList = []
    # for curOperand in operandList:
    #   if curOperand:
    #     curOperandStr = "%s" % curOperand
    #   else:
    #     curOperandStr = ""
    #   # print("curOperandStr=%s" % curOperandStr)
    #   operandStrList.append(curOperandStr)
    operandStrList = [str(eachOperand) for eachOperand in operandList]
    operandListAllStr = ", ".join(operandStrList)
    operandListAllStr = "[%s]" % operandListAllStr
    return operandListAllStr

  def isReg(self):
    return self.type == Operand.o_reg

  def isImm(self):
    return self.type == Operand.o_imm

  def isDispl(self):
    return self.type == Operand.o_displ

  def isPhrase(self):
    return self.type == Operand.o_phrase

  def isNear(self):
    return self.type == Operand.o_near

  def isIdpspec0(self):
    #   o_idpspec0 = 8        # Processor specific type
    return self.type == Operand.o_idpspec0

  def isValid(self):
    isDebug = False

    # isValidOperand = bool(self.operand)
    # print("isValidOperand=%s" % isValidOperand)
    # if isValidOperand:
    isValidOperand = False

    if isDebug:
      print("self.operand=%s" % self.operand)

    if self.operand:
      if self.isImm():
        # #0x20200A2C
        # #0x2020
        # #arg_20
        # isMatchImm = re.match("^#[0-9a-fA-FxX]+$", self.operand)
        # #-3.0
        # isMatchImm = re.match("^#\w+$", self.operand)
        isMatchImm = re.match("^#[\w\-\.]+$", self.operand)
        if isDebug:
          print("isMatchImm=%s" % isMatchImm)
        isValidOperand = bool(isMatchImm)
        if isDebug:
          print("isValidOperand=%s" % isValidOperand)
      elif self.isReg():
        # X0/X1
        # D8/D4
        # Special: XZR/WZR
        regNameUpper = self.operand.upper()
        # print("regNameUpper=%s" % regNameUpper)
        # isMatchReg = re.match("^[XD]\d+$", regNameUpper)
        # isMatchReg = re.match("^[XDW]\d+$", regNameUpper)
        isMatchReg = re.match("^([XDW]\d+)|(XZR)|(WZR)$", regNameUpper)
        if isDebug:
          print("isMatchReg=%s" % isMatchReg)
        isValidOperand = bool(isMatchReg)
        if isDebug:
          print("isValidOperand=%s" % isValidOperand)
        if not isValidOperand:
          isValidOperand = regNameUpper in ArmSpecialRegNameList
      elif self.isDispl():
        # o_displ    = 4        # Memory Reg [Base Reg + Index Reg + Displacement] phrase+addr
        # curOperand=<Operand: op=[SP,#arg_18],type=4,val=0x18>
        # if self.baseReg and (not self.indexReg) and self.displacement:
        # curOperand=<Operand: op=[X9],type=4,val=0x0>
        if isDebug:
          print("self.baseReg=%s, self.indexReg=%s, self.displacement=%s" % (self.baseReg, self.indexReg, self.displacement))

        if self.baseReg and (not self.indexReg):
          # Note: self.displacement is None / Not-None
          # TODO: add more type support, like indexReg not None
          isValidOperand = True
      elif self.isPhrase():
        # curOperand=<Operand: op=[X19,X8],type=3,val=0x94>
        if isDebug:
          print("self.baseReg=%s, self.indexReg=%s" % (self.baseReg, self.indexReg))
        if self.baseReg and self.indexReg:
          isValidOperand = True
      elif self.isNear():
        # o_near     = 7        # Immediate Near Address (CODE)        addr
        # curOperand=<Operand: op=_objc_copyWeak,type=7,val=0x1024ABBD0>
        if isDebug:
          print("self.value=%s" % self.value)

        if self.value:
          # jump to some (non 0) address -> consider is valid
          isValidOperand = True
      elif self.isIdpspec0():
        isValidOperand = True

    # print("isValidOperand=%s" % isValidOperand)

    # isValidType = self.type != Operand.o_void
    # isValidValue = self.value >= 0
    # isValidAll = isValidOperand and isValidType and isValidValue
    # isValidTypeValue = False
    # if self.isReg() or self.isImm():
    #   isValidTypeValue = self.value >= 0
    # elif self.isIdpspec0():
    #   isValidTypeValue = self.value == -1

    if self.isIdpspec0():
      isValidTypeValue = self.value == -1
      isValidType = self.type != Operand.o_void
      isValidValue = self.value >= 0
      isValidTypeValue = isValidType and isValidValue
    isValidAll = isValidOperand and isValidTypeValue

    if isDebug:
      print("Operand isValidAll=%s" % isValidAll)
    return isValidAll

  def isInvalid(self):
    return not self.isValid()

  def immVal(self):
    curImmVal = None
    if self.isImm():
      curImmVal = self.value
      # print("curImmVal=%s" % curImmVal)
    return curImmVal

  def immValHex(self):
    curImmValHex = ""
    if self.immVal != None:
      curImmValHex = "0x%X" % self.immVal
      # print("curImmValHex=%s" % curImmValHex)
    return curImmValHex

  def regName(self):
    curRegName = None
    if self.isReg():
      curRegName = self.operand
    return curRegName

  def contentStr(self):
    contentStr = ""
    if self.isReg():
      # print("isReg")
      contentStr = self.regName
    elif self.isImm():
      # print("isImm")
      # if 0 == self.immVal:
      # for 0 <= x < 8, not add 0x prefix, eg: 0x7 -> 7
      if (self.immVal >= 0) and (self.immVal < 8):
        # contentStr = "0"
        contentStr = "%X" % self.immVal
        contentStr = self.immValHex
    elif self.isIdpspec0():
        contentStr = self.operand
    elif self.isDispl():
        # [SP,#arg_18]
        # print("self.displacement=%s" % self.displacement)
        if self.displacement:
          displacementStr = ""
          if self.value != None:
            if (self.value >= 0) and (self.value < 8):
              displacementStr = "%X" % self.value
              displacementStr = "0x%X" % self.value
          # print("displacementStr=%s" % displacementStr)
          contentStr = "%s%s%s%s" % (self.baseReg, Operand.offStr, displacementStr, Operand.valStr)
          contentStr = "%s%s" % (self.baseReg, Operand.valStr)
    elif self.isPhrase():
      # [X19,X8]
      contentStr = "%s%s%s%s" % (self.baseReg, Operand.offStr, self.indexReg, Operand.valStr)

    # remove invalid char
    # <Operand: op=W0,UXTB,type=8,val=-1>
    # W0,UXTB -> W0UXTB
    contentStr = contentStr.replace(",", "")
    # X21,LSL#32
    # X8,ASR#29
    contentStr = contentStr.replace("#", "")

    # TODO: add more case

    # print("contentStr=%s" % contentStr)
    return contentStr

  def regIdx(self):
    curRegIdx = None
    if self.isReg():
      # TODO: extract reg idx, 
      # eg: X0 -> 0, X4 -> 4
      # note: additonal: D0 -> 0, D8 -> 8 ?
      curRegIdx = 0
    return curRegIdx


# class Instruction(object):
class Instruction:
  # toStr = "to"
  toStr = "To"
  # addStr = "add"
  addStr = "Add"

  def __init__(self, addr, name, operands):
    self.addr = addr
    self.disAsmStr = ida_getDisasmStr(addr)
    # print("self.disAsmStr=%s" % self.disAsmStr) = name
    self.operands = operands

  def __str__(self):
    # operandsAllStr = Operand.listToStr(self.operands)
    # print("operandsAllStr=%s" % operandsAllStr)
    # curInstStr = "<Instruction: addr=0x%X,name=%s,operands=%s>" % (self.addr,, operandsAllStr)
    # curInstStr = "<Instruction: addr=0x%X,disAsmStr=%s>" % (self.addr, self.disAsmStr)
    curInstStr = "<Instruction: 0x%X: %s>" % (self.addr, self.disAsmStr)
    # print("curInstStr=%s" % curInstStr)
    return curInstStr

  def listToStr(instList):
    instContentStrList = [str(eachInst) for eachInst in instList]
    instListAllStr = ", ".join(instContentStrList)
    instListAllStr = "[%s]" % instListAllStr
    return instListAllStr

  def parse(addr):
    isDebug = False
    # # if addr == 0x10235D610:
    # # if addr == 0x1002B8340:
    # if addr == 0x102390B18:
    #   isDebug = True
    # isDebug = True

    if isDebug:
      print("Instruction: parsing 0x%X" % addr)
    parsedInst = None

    instName = idc.print_insn_mnem(addr)
    if isDebug:
      print("instName=%s" % instName)

    curOperandIdx = 0
    curOperandVaild = True
    operandList = []
    while curOperandVaild:
      if isDebug:
        logSubSub("[%d]" % curOperandIdx)
      curOperand = idc.print_operand(addr, curOperandIdx)
      if isDebug:
        print("curOperand=%s" % curOperand)
      curOperandType = idc.get_operand_type(addr, curOperandIdx)
      if isDebug:
        print("curOperandType=%d" % curOperandType)
      curOperandValue = idc.get_operand_value(addr, curOperandIdx)
      if isDebug:
        print("curOperandValue=%s=0x%X" % (curOperandValue, curOperandValue))
      curOperand = Operand(curOperand, curOperandType, curOperandValue)
      if isDebug:
        print("curOperand=%s" % curOperand)
      if curOperand.isValid():
        if isDebug:
          print("End of operand for invalid %s" % curOperand)
        curOperandVaild = False

      if isDebug:
        print("curOperandVaild=%s" % curOperandVaild)
      curOperandIdx += 1

    if operandList:
      parsedInst = Instruction(addr=addr, name=instName, operands=operandList)
    if isDebug:
      print("parsedInst=%s" % parsedInst)
      print("operandList=%s" % Operand.listToStr(operandList))
    return parsedInst

  def isInst(self, instName):
    isMatchInst = False
      if (instName.lower() ==
        isMatchInst = True
    return isMatchInst

  def contentStr(self):
    convert to meaningful string of Instruction real action / content
    contentStr = ""

    isDebug = False
    # isDebug = True

    if isDebug:
      print("self=%s" % self)

    operandNum = len(self.operands)
    if isDebug:
      print("operandNum=%s" % operandNum)

    isPairInst = self.isStp() or self.isLdp()
    if isDebug:
      print("isPairInst=%s" % isPairInst)
    if not isPairInst:
      if operandNum >= 2:
        srcOperand = self.operands[1]
        if isDebug:
          print("srcOperand=%s" % srcOperand)
        srcOperandStr = srcOperand.contentStr
        if isDebug:
          print("srcOperandStr=%s" % srcOperandStr)
        dstOperand = self.operands[0]
        if isDebug:
          print("dstOperand=%s" % dstOperand)
        dstOperandStr = dstOperand.contentStr
        if isDebug:
          print("dstOperandStr=%s" % dstOperandStr)

    if self.isMov() or self.isFmov():
      # MOV X0, X24
      # FMOV D4, #-3.0

      if operandNum == 2:
        contentStr = "%s%s%s" % (srcOperandStr, Instruction.toStr, dstOperandStr)
        # print("contentStr=%s" % contentStr)
      elif operandNum > 2:
        # TODO: add case for operand > 2
        print("TODO: add support operand > 2 of MOV/FMOV")
    elif self.isAdd() or self.isFadd():
      # <Instruction: 0x10235D574: ADD X0, X19, X8; location>
      # # print("is ADD: self=%s" % self)
      # instName =
      # # print("instName=%s" % instName)
      # instOperandList = self.operands
      # # print("instOperandList=%s" % Operand.listToStr(instOperandList))
      if operandNum == 3:
        # <Instruction: 0x10235D574: ADD X0, X19, X8; location>
        extracOperand = self.operands[2]
        # print("extracOperand=%s" % extracOperand)
        extraOperandStr = extracOperand.contentStr
        # print("extraOperandStr=%s" % extraOperandStr)
        contentStr = "%s%s%s%s%s" % (srcOperandStr, Instruction.addStr, extraOperandStr, Instruction.toStr, dstOperandStr)

      # TODO: add case operand == 2
    elif self.isLdr():
      # LDR X0, [SP,#arg_18];
      if operandNum == 2:
        contentStr = "%s%s%s" % (srcOperandStr, Instruction.toStr, dstOperandStr)
      elif operandNum > 2:
        # TODO: add case for operand > 2
        print("TODO: add support operand > 2 of LDR")
    elif self.isStr():
      # STR XZR, [X19,X8]
      if operandNum == 2:
        contentStr = "%s%s%s" % (dstOperandStr, Instruction.toStr, srcOperandStr)
      elif operandNum > 2:
        # TODO: add case for operand > 2
        print("TODO: add support operand > 2 of STR")
    elif self.isStp():
      # <Instruction: 0x10235D6B4: STP X8, X9, [SP,#arg_18]>
      if operandNum == 3:
        srcOperand1 = self.operands[0]
        if isDebug:
          print("srcOperand1=%s" % srcOperand1)
        srcOperand1Str = srcOperand1.contentStr
        if isDebug:
          print("srcOperand1Str=%s" % srcOperand1Str)
        srcOperand2 = self.operands[1]
        if isDebug:
          print("srcOperand2=%s" % srcOperand2)
        srcOperand2Str = srcOperand2.contentStr
        if isDebug:
          print("srcOperand2Str=%s" % srcOperand2Str)

        dstOperand = self.operands[2]
        if isDebug:
          print("dstOperand=%s" % dstOperand)
        dstOperandStr = dstOperand.contentStr
        if isDebug:
          print("dstOperandStr=%s" % dstOperandStr)

        contentStr = "%s%s%s%s" % (srcOperand1Str, srcOperand2Str, Instruction.toStr, dstOperandStr)
    elif self.isLdp():
      # <Instruction: 0x10235D988: LDP D0, D1, [X8]>
      # <Instruction: 0x10235D98C: LDP D2, D3, [X8,#0x10]>
      if operandNum == 3:
        dstOperand1 = self.operands[0]
        if isDebug:
          print("dstOperand1=%s" % dstOperand1)
        dstOperand1Str = dstOperand1.contentStr
        if isDebug:
          print("dstOperand1Str=%s" % dstOperand1Str)
        dstOperand2 = self.operands[1]
        if isDebug:
          print("dstOperand2=%s" % dstOperand2)
        dstOperand2Str = dstOperand2.contentStr
        if isDebug:
          print("dstOperand2Str=%s" % dstOperand2Str)

        srcOperand = self.operands[2]
        if isDebug:
          print("srcOperand=%s" % srcOperand)
        srcOperandStr = srcOperand.contentStr
        if isDebug:
          print("srcOperandStr=%s" % srcOperandStr)

        contentStr = "%s%s%s%s" % (srcOperandStr, Instruction.toStr, dstOperand1Str, dstOperand2Str)

    # TODO: add other Instruction support: SUB/STR/...
    if isDebug:
      print("contentStr=%s" % contentStr)
    return contentStr

  def isMov(self):
    return self.isInst("MOV")

  def isFmov(self):
    return self.isInst("FMOV")

  def isRet(self):
    return self.isInst("RET")

  def isB(self):
    return self.isInst("B")

  def isBr(self):
    return self.isInst("BR")

  def isBranch(self):
    # TODO: support more: BRAA / ...
    return self.isB() or self.isBr()

  def isAdd(self):
    return self.isInst("ADD")

  def isFadd(self):
    return self.isInst("FADD")

  def isSub(self):
    return self.isInst("SUB")

  def isStr(self):
    return self.isInst("STR")

  def isStp(self):
    return self.isInst("STP")

  def isLdp(self):
    return self.isInst("LDP")

  def isLdr(self):
    return self.isInst("LDR")

results matching ""

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