





  • frida-snippets/README.md at master · iddoeldor/frida-snippets · GitHub
    • Native
      • Load C/C++ module
      • One time watchpoint
      • Socket activity
      • Intercept open
      • Execute shell command
      • List modules
      • Log SQLite query
      • Log method arguments
      • Intercept entire module
      • Dump memory segments
      • Memory scan
      • Stalker
      • Cpp Demangler
      • Early hook
    • Android
      • Binder transactions
      • Get system property
      • Reveal manually registered native symbols
      • Enumerate loaded classes
      • Class description
      • Turn WiFi off
      • Set proxy
      • Get IMEI
      • Hook io InputStream
      • Android make Toast
      • Await for specific module to load
      • Webview URLS
      • Print all runtime strings & stacktrace
      • String comparison
      • Hook JNI by address
      • Hook constructor
      • Hook Java reflection
      • Trace class
      • Hooking Unity3d
      • Get Android ID
      • Change location
      • Bypass FLAG_SECURE
      • Shared Preferences update
      • Hook all method overloads
      • Register broadcast receiver
      • Increase step count
      • File system access hook $ frida --codeshare FrenchYeti/android-file-system-access-hook -f com.example.app --no-pause
      • How to remove/disable java hooks ? Assign null to the implementation property.
    • iOS
      • OS Log
      • iOS alert box
      • File access
      • Observe class
      • Find application UUID
      • Extract cookies
      • Describe class members
      • Class hierarchy
      • Hook refelaction
      • Device properties
      • Take screenshot
      • Log SSH commands
    • Windows
    • Sublime snippets
    • Vim snippets
    • JEB

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