class Instruction:
toStr = "To"
addStr = "Add"
def __init__(self, addr, name, operands):
self.addr = addr
self.disAsmStr = ida_getDisasmStr(addr) = name
self.operands = operands
def __str__(self):
curInstStr = "<Instruction: 0x%X: %s>" % (self.addr, self.disAsmStr)
return curInstStr
def listToStr(instList):
instContentStrList = [str(eachInst) for eachInst in instList]
instListAllStr = ", ".join(instContentStrList)
instListAllStr = "[%s]" % instListAllStr
return instListAllStr
def parse(addr):
isDebug = False
if isDebug:
print("Instruction: parsing 0x%X" % addr)
parsedInst = None
instName = idc.print_insn_mnem(addr)
if isDebug:
print("instName=%s" % instName)
curOperandIdx = 0
curOperandVaild = True
operandList = []
while curOperandVaild:
if isDebug:
logSubSub("[%d]" % curOperandIdx)
curOperand = idc.print_operand(addr, curOperandIdx)
if isDebug:
print("curOperand=%s" % curOperand)
curOperandType = idc.get_operand_type(addr, curOperandIdx)
if isDebug:
print("curOperandType=%d" % curOperandType)
curOperandValue = idc.get_operand_value(addr, curOperandIdx)
if isDebug:
print("curOperandValue=%s=0x%X" % (curOperandValue, curOperandValue))
curOperand = Operand(curOperand, curOperandType, curOperandValue)
if isDebug:
print("curOperand=%s" % curOperand)
if curOperand.isValid():
if isDebug:
print("End of operand for invalid %s" % curOperand)
curOperandVaild = False
if isDebug:
print("curOperandVaild=%s" % curOperandVaild)
curOperandIdx += 1
if operandList:
parsedInst = Instruction(addr=addr, name=instName, operands=operandList)
if isDebug:
print("parsedInst=%s" % parsedInst)
print("operandList=%s" % Operand.listToStr(operandList))
return parsedInst
def isInst(self, instName):
isMatchInst = False
if (instName.lower() ==
isMatchInst = True
return isMatchInst
def contentStr(self):
convert to meaningful string of Instruction real action / content
contentStr = ""
isDebug = False
if isDebug:
print("self=%s" % self)
operandNum = len(self.operands)
if isDebug:
print("operandNum=%s" % operandNum)
isPairInst = self.isStp() or self.isLdp()
if isDebug:
print("isPairInst=%s" % isPairInst)
if not isPairInst:
if operandNum >= 2:
srcOperand = self.operands[1]
if isDebug:
print("srcOperand=%s" % srcOperand)
srcOperandStr = srcOperand.contentStr
if isDebug:
print("srcOperandStr=%s" % srcOperandStr)
dstOperand = self.operands[0]
if isDebug:
print("dstOperand=%s" % dstOperand)
dstOperandStr = dstOperand.contentStr
if isDebug:
print("dstOperandStr=%s" % dstOperandStr)
if self.isMov() or self.isFmov():
if operandNum == 2:
contentStr = "%s%s%s" % (srcOperandStr, Instruction.toStr, dstOperandStr)
elif operandNum > 2:
print("TODO: add support operand > 2 of MOV/FMOV")
elif self.isAdd() or self.isFadd():
if operandNum == 3:
extracOperand = self.operands[2]
extraOperandStr = extracOperand.contentStr
contentStr = "%s%s%s%s%s" % (srcOperandStr, Instruction.addStr, extraOperandStr, Instruction.toStr, dstOperandStr)
elif self.isLdr():
if operandNum == 2:
contentStr = "%s%s%s" % (srcOperandStr, Instruction.toStr, dstOperandStr)
elif operandNum > 2:
print("TODO: add support operand > 2 of LDR")
elif self.isStr():
if operandNum == 2:
contentStr = "%s%s%s" % (dstOperandStr, Instruction.toStr, srcOperandStr)
elif operandNum > 2:
print("TODO: add support operand > 2 of STR")
elif self.isStp():
if operandNum == 3:
srcOperand1 = self.operands[0]
if isDebug:
print("srcOperand1=%s" % srcOperand1)
srcOperand1Str = srcOperand1.contentStr
if isDebug:
print("srcOperand1Str=%s" % srcOperand1Str)
srcOperand2 = self.operands[1]
if isDebug:
print("srcOperand2=%s" % srcOperand2)
srcOperand2Str = srcOperand2.contentStr
if isDebug:
print("srcOperand2Str=%s" % srcOperand2Str)
dstOperand = self.operands[2]
if isDebug:
print("dstOperand=%s" % dstOperand)
dstOperandStr = dstOperand.contentStr
if isDebug:
print("dstOperandStr=%s" % dstOperandStr)
contentStr = "%s%s%s%s" % (srcOperand1Str, srcOperand2Str, Instruction.toStr, dstOperandStr)
elif self.isLdp():
if operandNum == 3:
dstOperand1 = self.operands[0]
if isDebug:
print("dstOperand1=%s" % dstOperand1)
dstOperand1Str = dstOperand1.contentStr
if isDebug:
print("dstOperand1Str=%s" % dstOperand1Str)
dstOperand2 = self.operands[1]
if isDebug:
print("dstOperand2=%s" % dstOperand2)
dstOperand2Str = dstOperand2.contentStr
if isDebug:
print("dstOperand2Str=%s" % dstOperand2Str)
srcOperand = self.operands[2]
if isDebug:
print("srcOperand=%s" % srcOperand)
srcOperandStr = srcOperand.contentStr
if isDebug:
print("srcOperandStr=%s" % srcOperandStr)
contentStr = "%s%s%s%s" % (srcOperandStr, Instruction.toStr, dstOperand1Str, dstOperand2Str)
if isDebug:
print("contentStr=%s" % contentStr)
return contentStr
def isMov(self):
return self.isInst("MOV")
def isFmov(self):
return self.isInst("FMOV")
def isRet(self):
return self.isInst("RET")
def isB(self):
return self.isInst("B")
def isBr(self):
return self.isInst("BR")
def isBranch(self):
return self.isB() or self.isBr()
def isAdd(self):
return self.isInst("ADD")
def isFadd(self):
return self.isInst("FADD")
def isSub(self):
return self.isInst("SUB")
def isStr(self):
return self.isInst("STR")
def isStp(self):
return self.isInst("STP")
def isLdp(self):
return self.isInst("LDP")
def isLdr(self):
return self.isInst("LDR")