
  • binwalk
    • 是什么:固件分析工具
      • Firmware Analysis Tool
    • 一句话描述
      • 固件分析利器
        • 从固件中查找文件
      • a fast, easy to use tool for analyzing, reverse engineering, and extracting firmware images
    • 背景
      • 传统的固件分析:file
        • file缺点:占用了太多的磁盘来读写I/O,效率太低
      • libmagic动态库
        • 文件扫描的更好的解决方案
          • 核心4个函数
            • magic_open
            • magic_close
            • magic_buffer
            • magic_load
    • 基本功能
        • binwalk_core_functions
      • 文字
        • 提取文件
        • 过滤功能
        • 比较功能
        • 字符串分析
        • 插件功能
    • 用途:
      • 路由器固件分析
      • 分析获取嵌入式设备的文件系统
    • 支持平台
      • Linux
      • macOS
      • Cygwin
      • FreeBSD
      • Windows
    • 资料


root@kali:~# binwalk -B ddwrt-linksys-wrt1200ac-webflash.bin 

0             0x0             TRX firmware header, little endian, image size: 37883904 bytes, CRC32: 0x95C5DF32, flags: 0x1, version: 1, header size: 28 bytes, loader offset: 0x1C, linux kernel offset: 0x0, rootfs offset: 0x0
28            0x1C            uImage header, header size: 64 bytes, header CRC: 0x780C2742, created: 2018-10-10 02:12:20, image size: 2150281 bytes, Data Address: 0x8000, Entry Point: 0x8000, data CRC: 0xA097CFEA, OS: Linux, CPU: ARM, image type: OS Kernel Image, compression type: none, image name: "DD-WRT"
92            0x5C            Linux kernel ARM boot executable zImage (little-endian)
2460          0x99C           device tree image (dtb)
23432         0x5B88          xz compressed data
23776         0x5CE0          xz compressed data
2117484       0x204F6C        device tree image (dtb)
3145756       0x30001C        UBI erase count header, version: 1, EC: 0x0, VID header offset: 0x800, data offset: 0x1000


root@kali:~# binwalk -h

Binwalk v2.1.2
Craig Heffner, ReFirmLabs

Usage: binwalk [OPTIONS] [FILE1] [FILE2] [FILE3] ...

Signature Scan Options:
    -B, --signature              Scan target file(s) for common file signatures
    -R, --raw=<str>              Scan target file(s) for the specified sequence of bytes
    -A, --opcodes                Scan target file(s) for common executable opcode signatures
    -m, --magic=<file>           Specify a custom magic file to use
    -b, --dumb                   Disable smart signature keywords
    -I, --invalid                Show results marked as invalid
    -x, --exclude=<str>          Exclude results that match <str>
    -y, --include=<str>          Only show results that match <str>

Extraction Options:
    -e, --extract                Automatically extract known file types
    -D, --dd=<type:ext:cmd>      Extract <type> signatures, give the files an extension of <ext>, and execute <cmd>
    -M, --matryoshka             Recursively scan extracted files
    -d, --depth=<int>            Limit matryoshka recursion depth (default: 8 levels deep)
    -C, --directory=<str>        Extract files/folders to a custom directory (default: current working directory)
    -j, --size=<int>             Limit the size of each extracted file
    -n, --count=<int>            Limit the number of extracted files
    -r, --rm                     Delete carved files after extraction
    -z, --carve                  Carve data from files, but don't execute extraction utilities
    -V, --subdirs                Extract into sub-directories named by the offset

Entropy Options:
    -E, --entropy                Calculate file entropy
    -F, --fast                   Use faster, but less detailed, entropy analysis
    -J, --save                   Save plot as a PNG
    -Q, --nlegend                Omit the legend from the entropy plot graph
    -N, --nplot                  Do not generate an entropy plot graph
    -H, --high=<float>           Set the rising edge entropy trigger threshold (default: 0.95)
    -L, --low=<float>            Set the falling edge entropy trigger threshold (default: 0.85)

Binary Diffing Options:
    -W, --hexdump                Perform a hexdump / diff of a file or files
    -G, --green                  Only show lines containing bytes that are the same among all files
    -i, --red                    Only show lines containing bytes that are different among all files
    -U, --blue                   Only show lines containing bytes that are different among some files
    -w, --terse                  Diff all files, but only display a hex dump of the first file

Raw Compression Options:
    -X, --deflate                Scan for raw deflate compression streams
    -Z, --lzma                   Scan for raw LZMA compression streams
    -P, --partial                Perform a superficial, but faster, scan
    -S, --stop                   Stop after the first result

General Options:
    -l, --length=<int>           Number of bytes to scan
    -o, --offset=<int>           Start scan at this file offset
    -O, --base=<int>             Add a base address to all printed offsets
    -K, --block=<int>            Set file block size
    -g, --swap=<int>             Reverse every n bytes before scanning
    -f, --log=<file>             Log results to file
    -c, --csv                    Log results to file in CSV format
    -t, --term                   Format output to fit the terminal window
    -q, --quiet                  Suppress output to stdout
    -v, --verbose                Enable verbose output
    -h, --help                   Show help output
    -a, --finclude=<str>         Only scan files whose names match this regex
    -p, --fexclude=<str>         Do not scan files whose names match this regex
    -s, --status=<int>           Enable the status server on the specified port

results matching ""

    No results matching ""