- 【已解决】32位ARM指令中cond即condition code field定义和语法
- 【已解决】ARM汇编指令:cond条件码的来源
- 【已解决】ARM汇编指令通用逻辑:条件执行Conditional execution条件码cond
- 【记录】ARM寄存器:nzcv
- 【整理】ARM汇编基础知识:寄存器命名叫法 20220531
- 【已解决】ARM中的寄存器 概述 概览 AAPCS
- Guide to x86 Assembly (virginia.edu)
- How does the ARM architecture differ from x86? - Stack Overflow
- ARM (groupoid.github.io)
- ARM Developer Suite Assembler Guide
- Online ARM to HEX Converter (armconverter.com)
- 一文搞懂 ARM 64 系列: ADC - chaoguo1234 - 博客园 (cnblogs.com)
- Arm A-profile A64 Instruction Set Architecture
- Arm A-profile A64 Instruction Set Architecture
- prominent features – Capstone – The Ultimate Disassembler (capstone-engine.org)
- Wayback Machine (archive.org)
- Unicorn-Engine-Documentation/Unicorn-Engine Documentation.md at master · kabeor/Unicorn-Engine-Documentation (github.com)
- ARM Procedure Call Standard
- Overview of ARM ABI Conventions | Microsoft Learn
- assembly - What registers to save in the ARM C calling convention? - Stack Overflow
- Registers in AArch64 state - Arm Compiler armasm User Guide
- Arm Compiler armasm User Guide - Program Counter in AArch64 state
- ARM Developer Suite Developer Guide
- Procedure Call Standard for the Arm Architecture - ABI 2020Q2 documentation