pip install pymysql
pipenv install pymysql
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Project: autohomeBrandData
# Function: demo how to use python to operate mysql
# Author: Crifan Li
# Date: 20180527
# Note:
# If you want to modify to your mysql and table, you need:
# (1) change change MysqlDb config to your mysql config
# (2) change CurrentTableName to your table name
# (3) change CreateTableSqlTemplate to your sql to create new mysql table fields
# (4) run py file to execute testMysqlDb to init db and create table
# (5) if your table field contain more type, edit insert to add more type for "TODO: add more type formatting if necessary"
import pymysql
import pymysql.cursors
CurrentTableName = "tbl_autohome_car_info"
CreateTableSqlTemplate = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `%s` (
`id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '自增,主键',
`cityDealerPrice` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '经销商参考价',
`msrpPrice` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '厂商指导价',
`mainBrand` char(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '品牌',
`subBrand` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '子品牌',
`brandSerie` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '车系',
`brandSerieId` varchar(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '车系ID',
`model` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '车型',
`modelId` varchar(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '车型ID',
`modelStatus` char(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '车型状态',
`url` varchar(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '车型url',
class MysqlDb:
config = {
'host': '',
'port': 3306,
'user': 'root',
'password': 'crifan_mysql',
'database': 'AutohomeResultdb',
'charset': "utf8"
defaultTableName = CurrentTableName
connection = None
def __init__(self):
"""init mysql"""
# 1. connect db first
if self.connection is None:
isConnected = self.connect()
print("Connect mysql return %s" % isConnected)
# 2. create table for db
createTableOk = self.createTable(self.defaultTableName)
print("Create table %s return %s" %(self.defaultTableName, createTableOk))
def connect(self):
self.connection = pymysql.connect(**self.config, cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor)
print("connect mysql ok, self.connection=", self.connection)
return True
except pymysql.Error as err:
print("Connect mysql with config=", self.config, " error=", err)
return False
def quoteIdentifier(self, identifier):
for mysql, it better to quote identifier xxx using backticks to `xxx`
in case, identifier:
contain special char, such as space
or same with system reserved words, like select
quotedIdentifier = "`%s`" % identifier
# print("quotedIdentifier=", quotedIdentifier)
return quotedIdentifier
def executeSql(self, sqlStr, actionDescription=""):
print("executeSql: sqlStr=%s, actionDescription=%s" % (sqlStr, actionDescription))
if self.connection is None:
print("Please connect mysql first before %s" % actionDescription)
return False
cursor = self.connection.cursor()
print("cursor=", cursor)
print("+++ Ok to execute sql %s for %s" % (sqlStr, actionDescription))
return True
except pymysql.Error as err:
print("!!! %s when execute sql %s for %s" % (err, sqlStr, actionDescription))
return False
def createTable(self, newTablename):
print("createTable: newTablename=", newTablename)
createTableSql = CreateTableSqlTemplate % (newTablename)
print("createTableSql=", createTableSql)
return self.executeSql(sqlStr=createTableSql, actionDescription=("Create table %s" % newTablename))
def dropTable(self, existedTablename):
print("dropTable: existedTablename=", existedTablename)
dropTableSql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s" % (existedTablename)
print("dropTableSql=", dropTableSql)
return self.executeSql(sqlStr=dropTableSql, actionDescription=("Drop table %s" % existedTablename))
# def insert(self, **valueDict):
def insert(self, valueDict, tablename=defaultTableName):
inset dict value into mysql table
makesure the value is dict, and its keys is the key in the table
print("insert: valueDict=%s, tablename=%s" % (valueDict, tablename))
dictKeyList = valueDict.keys()
dictValueList = valueDict.values()
print("dictKeyList=", dictKeyList, "dictValueList=", dictValueList)
keyListSql = ", ".join(self.quoteIdentifier(eachKey) for eachKey in dictKeyList)
print("keyListSql=", keyListSql)
# valueListSql = ", ".join(eachValue for eachValue in dictValueList)
valueListSql = ""
formattedDictValueList = []
for eachValue in dictValueList:
# print("eachValue=", eachValue)
eachValueInSql = ""
valueType = type(eachValue)
# print("valueType=", valueType)
if valueType is str:
eachValueInSql = '"%s"' % eachValue
elif valueType is int:
eachValueInSql = '%d' % eachValue
# TODO: add more type formatting if necessary
print("eachValueInSql=", eachValueInSql)
valueListSql = ", ".join(eachValue for eachValue in formattedDictValueList)
print("valueListSql=", valueListSql)
insertSql = """INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)""" % (tablename, keyListSql, valueListSql)
print("insertSql=", insertSql)
# INSERT INTO tbl_car_info_test (`url`, `mainBrand`, `subBrand`, `brandSerie`, `brandSerieId`, `model`, `modelId`, `modelStatus`, `cityDealerPrice`, `msrpPrice`) VALUES ("", "宝马", "华晨宝马", "宝马3系", "66", "2010款 320i 豪华型", "5872", "停售", 325000, 375000)
return self.executeSql(sqlStr=insertSql, actionDescription=("Insert value to table %s" % tablename))
def delete(self, modelId, tablename=defaultTableName):
delete item from car model id for existing table of autohome car info
print("delete: modelId=%s, tablename=%s" % (modelId, tablename))
deleteSql = """DELETE FROM %s WHERE modelId = %s""" % (tablename, modelId)
print("deleteSql=", deleteSql)
return self.executeSql(sqlStr=deleteSql, actionDescription=("Delete value from table %s by model id %s" % (tablename, modelId)))
def testMysqlDb():
"""test mysql"""
testDropTable = True
testCreateTable = True
testInsertValue = True
testDeleteValue = True
# 1.test connect mysql
mysqlObj = MysqlDb()
print("mysqlObj=", mysqlObj)
# testTablename = "autohome_car_info"
# testTablename = "tbl_car_info_test"
testTablename = CurrentTableName
print("testTablename=", testTablename)
if testDropTable:
# 2. test drop table
dropTableOk = mysqlObj.dropTable(testTablename)
print("dropTable", testTablename, "return", dropTableOk)
if testCreateTable:
# 3. test create table
createTableOk = mysqlObj.createTable(testTablename)
print("createTable", testTablename, "return", createTableOk)
if testInsertValue:
# 4. test insert value dict
valueDict = {
"url": "", #车型url
"mainBrand": "宝马", #品牌
"subBrand": "华晨宝马", #子品牌
"brandSerie": "宝马3系", #车系
"brandSerieId": "66", #车系ID
"model": "2010款 320i 豪华型", #车型
"modelId": "5872", #车型ID
"modelStatus": "停售", #车型状态
"cityDealerPrice": 325000, #经销商参考价
"msrpPrice": 375000 # 厂商指导价
print("valueDict=", valueDict)
insertOk = mysqlObj.insert(valueDict=valueDict, tablename=testTablename)
print("insertOk=", insertOk)
if testDeleteValue:
toDeleteModelId = "5872"
deleteOk = mysqlObj.delete(modelId=toDeleteModelId, tablename=testTablename)
print("deleteOk=", deleteOk)
def testAutohomeResultWorker():
"""just test for create mysql db is ok or not"""
autohomeResultWorker = AutohomeResultWorker(None, None)
print("autohomeResultWorker=%s" % autohomeResultWorker)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# testAutohomeResultWorker()
userId = parsedArgs["userId"]
if userId is None:
return genRespFailDict(BadRequest.code, "Empty userId")
if userId <= 0:
return genRespFailDict(BadRequest.code, "Invalid userId %d" % userId)
pageNumber = parsedArgs["pageNumber"]
if pageNumber < 1:
return genRespFailDict(BadRequest.code, "Invalid pageNumber %d" % pageNumber)
pageSize = parsedArgs["pageSize"]
pageIndex = pageNumber - 1
offset = pageSize * pageIndex
orderBy = "modifyTime"
totalCount = -1
totalPageNum = -1
totalCountSql = "SELECT COUNT(*) from `user_storybook_list` WHERE `userId`=%d" % userId
totalCountOk, resultDict = sqlConn.executeSql(totalCountSql)
log.debug("%s -> %s, %s", totalCountSql, totalCountOk, resultDict)
if totalCountOk and resultDict["data"]:
totalCount = resultDict["data"][0]["COUNT(*)"]
if totalCount > 0:
totalPageNum = int(totalCount / pageSize)
if (totalCount % pageSize) > 0:
totalPageNum += 1
if pageNumber > totalPageNum:
return genRespFailDict(BadRequest.code, "Current page number %d exceed max page number %d" % (
pageNumber, totalPageNum))
hasPrev = False
if pageNumber > 1:
hasPrev = True
hasNext = False
if totalPageNum > 0:
if pageNumber < totalPageNum:
hasNext = True
searchByUserSql = "SELECT * FROM `user_storybook_list` WHERE `userId`=%d ORDER BY `%s` ASC LIMIT %d OFFSET %d" % (userId, orderBy, pageSize, offset)
searchByUserOk, resultDict = sqlConn.executeSql(searchByUserSql)
log.debug("%s -> %s, %s", searchByUserSql, searchByUserOk, resultDict)
if searchByUserOk and resultDict["data"]:
foundItemList = resultDict["data"]
respData = {
"evaluationList": foundItemList,
"curPageNum": pageNumber,
"numPerPage": pageSize,
"totalNum": totalCount,
"totalPageNum": totalPageNum,
"hasPrev": hasPrev,
"hasNext": hasNext,
respDict["data"] = respData
return jsonify(respDict)
"code": 200,
"data": {
"curPageNum": 1,
"evaluationList": [
"active": "Y",
"createTime": "Wed, 23 Jan 2019 08:40:58 GMT",
"id": 5,
"lastReadDuration": 0,
"modifyTime": "Wed, 23 Jan 2019 08:40:58 GMT",
"storybookId": "5bd7bd31bfaa44fe2c73736b",
"type": 0,
"userId": 28
"active": "Y",
"createTime": "Wed, 23 Jan 2019 08:45:04 GMT",
"id": 6,
"lastReadDuration": 0,
"modifyTime": "Wed, 23 Jan 2019 08:45:04 GMT",
"storybookId": "5bd7bd31bfaa44fe2c73736c",
"type": 0,
"userId": 28
"active": "Y",
"createTime": "Wed, 23 Jan 2019 08:45:32 GMT",
"id": 7,
"lastReadDuration": 0,
"modifyTime": "Wed, 23 Jan 2019 08:45:32 GMT",
"storybookId": "5bd7bd31bfaa44fe2c73736e",
"type": 0,
"userId": 28
"hasNext": true,
"hasPrev": false,
"numPerPage": 3,
"totalNum": 9,
"totalPageNum": 3
"message": "Get user storybook list ok"