- 源码
- github.com
- opensource.apple.com
- 旧:已打不开
- https://opensource.apple.com/source/dyld/dyld-852.2/dyld3/shared-cache/
- https://opensource.apple.com/source/dyld/dyld-852.2/dyld3/shared-cache/dyld_shared_cache_util.cpp.auto.html
- https://opensource.apple.com/source/dyld/dyld-852.2/dyld3/shared-cache/dsc_extractor.cpp.auto.html
- https://opensource.apple.com/source/dyld/dyld-852.2/dyld3/shared-cache/dsc_iterator.cpp.auto.html
- https://opensource.apple.com/source/dyld/dyld-852.2/dyld3/shared-cache/dyldinfo.cpp.auto.html
- https://opensource.apple.com/source/dyld/dyld-852.2/dyld3/shared-cache/DyldSharedCache.cpp.auto.html
- 新
- https://opensource.apple.com/releases/
- https://opensource.apple.com/source/dyld/dyld-852.2/dyld3/shared-cache/
- -> https://github.com/apple-oss-distributions/dyld/releases/
- 最新版本:dyld-1231.3
- https://github.com/apple-oss-distributions/dyld/archive/refs/tags/dyld-1231.3.zip
- 里面有各个工具的代码
- 里面有各个工具的代码
- https://github.com/apple-oss-distributions/dyld/archive/refs/tags/dyld-1231.3.zip
- 最新版本:dyld-1231.3
- 旧:已打不开
// Returns if any OS dylib has overridden its copy in the shared cache
// Exists in iPhoneOS 3.1 and later
// Exists in Mac OS X 10.10 and later
extern bool dyld_shared_cache_some_image_overridden(void);
// Returns path used by dyld for standard dyld shared cache file for the current arch.
// Exists in Mac OS X 10.11 and later
extern const char* dyld_shared_cache_file_path(void);
struct dyld_shared_cache_dylib_text_info {
uint64_t version; // current version 2
// following fields all exist in version 1
uint64_t loadAddressUnslid;
uint64_t textSegmentSize;
uuid_t dylibUuid;
const char* path; // pointer invalid at end of iterations
// following fields all exist in version 2
uint64_t textSegmentOffset; // offset from start of cache
typedef struct dyld_shared_cache_dylib_text_info dyld_shared_cache_dylib_text_info;
#ifdef __BLOCKS__
// Given the UUID of a dyld shared cache file, this function will attempt to locate the cache
// file and if found iterate all images, returning info about each one. Returns 0 on success.
// Exists in Mac OS X 10.11 and later
// iOS 9.0 and later
extern int dyld_shared_cache_iterate_text(const uuid_t cacheUuid, void (^callback)(const dyld_shared_cache_dylib_text_info* info));
// Given the UUID of a dyld shared cache file, and a NULL terminated array of extra directory paths to search,
// this function will scan the standard and extra directories looking for a cache file that matches the UUID
// and if found iterate all images, returning info about each one. Returns 0 on success.
// Exists in Mac OS X 10.12 and later
// iOS 10.0 and later
extern int dyld_shared_cache_find_iterate_text(const uuid_t cacheUuid, const char* extraSearchDirs[], void (^callback)(const dyld_shared_cache_dylib_text_info* info));
#endif /* __BLOCKS */
// Gets the UUID of the dyld shared cache in the current process.
// Returns false if there is no dyld shared cache in use by the processes.
// Exists in Mac OS X 10.12 and later
// Exists in iOS 10.0 and later
extern bool _dyld_get_shared_cache_uuid(uuid_t uuid);
// Returns the start address of the dyld cache in the process and sets length to the size of the cache.
// Returns NULL if the process is not using a dyld shared cache
// Exists in Mac OS X 10.13 and later
// Exists in iOS 11.0 and later
extern const void* _dyld_get_shared_cache_range(size_t* length);
// Returns if the currently active dyld shared cache is optimized.
// Note: macOS does not use optimized caches and will always return false.
// Exists in Mac OS X 10.15 and later
// Exists in iOS 13.0 and later
extern bool _dyld_shared_cache_optimized(void);
// Returns if the currently active dyld shared cache was built locally.
// Exists in Mac OS X 10.15 and later
// Exists in iOS 13.0 and later
extern bool _dyld_shared_cache_is_locally_built(void);
// This is similar to _dyld_shared_cache_contains_path(), except that it returns the canonical
// shared cache path for the given path.
// Exists in macOS 10.16 and later
// Exists in iOS 14.0 and later
extern const char* _dyld_shared_cache_real_path(const char* path);